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Empowered Elections Program


About This Course

Elections are increasingly complex and complicated to observe and assess. Whereas electoral malpractice previously took place during or after election day, malign actors and illiberal regimes today may target other vulnerabilities in the electoral ecosystem to exclude portions of the electorate from participating while impeding observers’ ability to detect fraud. To combat these new forms of election interference and manipulation, this masterclass series will pinpoint how to monitor for electoral inclusion in the election space including voter education and registration practices, access for student voters and IDPs, women, youth and disabled persons as political candidates and voters, access to voter education materials for ethnolinguistic minorities among other relevant topics. By highlighting inclusive election practices throughout the series, students will gain an understanding of the applicability and importance of inclusion in all aspects of the election cycle.  Digital observation techniques that complement traditional observation methods will be emphasized as well, including those that can contribute to the inclusion of people with mobility-related disabilities and enable real-time exchanges of information on all parts of electoral processes. This course will equip the next generation of election analysts with the requisite knowledge, skills, and networks to promote free, fair and credible elections - both at home and abroad.

Course Staff

Jessica Keegan

Elections Advisor

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Meryl Miner

Senior Youth and Inclusion Specialist

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Stephane Mondon

Senior Policy Analyst and Elections Expert,

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Mr. Mondon has a broad technical expertise in governance, state reform and electoral processes. He has extensive professional work experience directing and observing election and political processes in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, the US. Through Mr. Mondon’s previous work experience with the European Union (EU), the OSCE, UN, IRI, NDI and The Carter Center, he conducted political, socio-economic research and country risk assessments for election observation missions, including in DRC (2004-06, 2011 and 2018-20), Iraq (2010), Ethiopia (2010 and 2021), Tanzania (2010), Benin (2011), Libya (2012), Kenya (2013), Rwanda (2013), Madagascar (2013), Latvia (2014), Burkina Faso (2015-16), and the US (2020). Additionally, through his role as Mission Director and Head of Programs for the European Center for Electoral Support (ECES) in Burkina Faso, and the UN in DRC, he supervised numerous projects that reinforced good governance, established working relationships with international, regional and sub-regional organizations, and ensured the safety of staff throughout several security situations.

Alex Shlyk

Elections Expert

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Alexander Shlyk is an election expert. He worked for 10 years in the Election Department of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, since 2016 to 2021 as the head of department. In that capacity he led the observation of all elections in the OSCE region and assisting the countries in bringing their elections closer in line with international standards. Alexander holds a BA degree in Economics from Belarusian State University, MA in Political Science from Central European Univesity, and MSc in International Development and Management from Lund University.

Nino Dolidze

ISFED Director

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Nino Dolidze is the Executive Director of International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED), a key election watchdog in Georgia. Nino has 15 years working experience in number of international and domestic organizations in Georgia. During her career, she has implemented various large-scale projects aimed at promoting the democratic development of the country, including good governance, legislative strengthening, rule of law, human rights, local government. Before joining ISFED, Nino has worked at the International Republican Institute (IRI) for 8 years, leading the Election Program, Developing Multi-party Democracy and Political Empowerment of Women. She is acting expert on electoral and gender equality issues in several international organizations (USAID, EU). Nino is a lecturer in political sciences, including political campaigning, electoral integrity, and political party development. Working on various positions, she has participated in more than 15 domestic and international election observation missions (OSCE/ODIHR, IRI, NDI, ENEMO) in Georgia and abroad.
